In this age of bomb blasts, natural disasters, economic strife and world ostracism, Pakistan has been struggling to keep the promise it made to its people some 65 years ago. We cringe every time we hear bad news - we sigh every time a terrorist is linked to our soil. We yeam to hear something good and in fear of another tragedy, avoid the news.
In times like these, we need to remind ourselves of the power of the individual Pakistani. Of that person who stands up amidst this madness and shows us that we have a voice, that we have a 'self' that we have a contribution to make. The dream that Iqbal had of people on whose shoulders our nation would thrive and grow and reach newer heights of progress does exist - in each and every one of us, WE have the power to change our fate. We have the power to show the world we are better than the few who tamish our name and our nation. WE are Pakistan and WE have the power.
'The Power of Pakistan' highlights just a few of the individuals who have stepped forward to show the world that Pakistan has and will succeed, not because of economic might or political strength, but because of the individual - because every Pakistani has an undying love for the soil and is looking for ways to give back. Join us in paying tribute to these few and the thousands of other Pakistanis who have made us proud in the global sphere and in such dire times have put Pakistan in a positive light.